
Analytics Platform

End-to-end solution to explore and analyse the sustainability profile of individual issuers, funds or entire portfolios in one powerful and intuitive platform

All your ESG analysis and reporting in one place

Easily explore more than 500 in-depth sustainability metrics in an intuitive platform built specifically for the workflows, logic and formats of ESG and sustainability data. Gain insights about your investments in order to understand the full extent of their impact.

From high-level portfolio analysis to granular insights on single entities, we enable more efficient understanding of investments and benchmarking, as well as powerful report generation and data exports.

Nuances of sustainability datas

Dive into issuers & portfolios

Explore ESG metrics in intuitive hierarchies and collections, for individual issuers and aggregated for entire portfolios. Easily compare issuers, portfolios, and benchmarks on every metric.

Integrate across organisation

Draft and share portfolios and holdings, notes, and the most frequently used metrics across the entire organisation for more efficient collaboration.

Flexible export options

Export options, from simple CSV files to full PDF reports. Export analysis for any portfolio and choose exactly the metrics needed every time.

Intuitive, flexible, and transparent

Sustainability analysis should not be a black box. Every metric is described in detail, sources are specified and coverage for holdings are made clear. To ensure that analysis can be performed with confidence and clarity.

Sustainability Analysis should not be a black box. We harness the power of collective intelligence, and with Matter, you can trace the data you are seeing back to the expert sources that we work with.

Granular and layered analysis with broad coverage

Analyse equity and fixed income portfolios against relevant sustainability metrics and dive into depth on metrics, coverage, sources and definitions.

We survey over 500 sustainability themes on up to 60,000 companies and cover +99% of major indices to provide the best possible overview of portfolio performance.

Granular analysis datas
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