
Dataset Access

Access and download full datasets for maximum granularity and flexibility for in-depth analysis.

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Explore our data

For investors who want to dig down, manipulate and explore all possible use cases of our data, Matter's datasets can be accessed in dataset format.

This gives investors access to the most granular level of Matter's insights, enabling next-level sustainability analysis.

Next-level sustainability analysis with granular datasets

Access in-depth insights about your investments in order to understand the full extent of their impact. For investors who wants to dig down, manipulate and explore all possible use cases of Matter's data, all of our insights can be accessed in dataset format. This gives investors access to the most granular level of insights that Matter generate.

Nuances of sustainability datas

Broader use cases

Granular insights facilitate integration throughout the investment process, from product creation to regulatory compliance.

Flexible analysis

Accessing the data allows for full manipulation of the dataset, helping to uncover hidden sustainability insights.

Deeper Insights

Provides maximum depth, for investors wishing to explore every nuance of sustainability of their investments.

“What we really like about Matter's portfolio analysis is that it gives us flags, not ratings. There are lots of different ESG ratings out there, but the problem is that most of them are focused on financial materiality. They do not give you a clear insight into the sustainability profile of a company.”

Sandra Metoyer

Head of Responsible Investments at AP Pension.

Granular, layered analysis with broad coverage

Analyse your equity and bond portfolios against relevant sustainability metrics and get the full overview with our Platform.

We survey over 350 sustainability themes across more than 15,000 companies and cover +99% of major indices.

Granular analysis datas
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